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Feel Good Friday

We are changing up Black Friday at Modern Textiles and instead making it Feel Good Friday! We hope you'll join us!

November 24th

10am - 6pm

On November 24th, Feel Good Friday, we will be accepting donations of fabric, quilts, quilt tops, and pillowcases. In exchange for your donation you will receive a coupon for 50% of one item in the shop!! (The coupon must be used in the store, on Friday, November 24, 2017.) Any size donation will receive a coupon (only one per person) but please donate as much as you can!

Where will it go?

We will be distributing your donations to some of our favorite organizations.

Top 5 reasons to destash

We hope that you'll take some time to go through your stash and donate to help support these amazing causes. Need a little encouragement? You got it - here's our top 5 reasons you should clean out your stash!

1. Your tastes have changed and you don't like what you have anymore.

Our styles and preferences change over time - and that is a good thing! It's what keeps life exciting! New color combos, a new technique, fresh inspiration - this is what keeps sewing fun. Can you imagine making the same project from the same color fabric for your whole life? That's called a job, friends. For most of us, sewing and quilting is a hobby. The definition of hobby is "an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure". PLEASURE! If you're not having fun, it's time to try something new. Clean it out, get rid of it! Let someone else love it and find pleasure in it.

2. Guilt keeps you from not wanting to even enter your sewing room.

Fabric's not cheap. You've got years worth of it stacked in your sewing room. You feel guilty about how much money you've spent on it (or maybe someone in your life is making you feel guilty about it). But you just don't love it anymore (see #1). It's ok. The guilt needs to stop. You've gotten as much out of it as you are going to get. You had fun shopping for the fabric. You stood in the shop and dreamt up ideas of what it could be. You got home and carefully added it to the stash and smiled. Joy. That can be enough. You enjoyed it once, now it's time to donate it and move on and let another find joy in it. The money isn't coming back whether it sits on your shelf or moves on to someone that will put it to use. Get rid of the guilt and welcome yourself back into a happy, guilt-free sewing space.

3. It's just too much.

You've been sewing for a few decades. You enjoy shopping for fabric. (We figure this is safe to assume or you wouldn't be reading our blog!) It's accumulated over the years and is now a bit of a collection. A BIG collection. You stop in to visit us and see all the beautiful new things that you won't let yourself get because of the STASH. (See #2.) Sometimes too much of a good thing is still too much. A smaller collection at home can help ignite your creativity. Leaving room for some new things to come in can also help your older fabrics find new life. Lesson your fabric load and feel great about helping others while you do it.

4. But I had big plans to make something with it.

Great! Do it!! Whip up some pillowcases and donate them to kids that need a good night sleep through Sweetdreams Pillowcase Project. Put together a quick and easy quilt top and the volunteers from Project Linus will finish it up and get it to a child that needs to feel a warm quilty hug. If you had a specific project in mind, collect all the fabrics and pattern and store them together in a plastic tub or zip top bag. Date the project and write down who it was for or what special plans you have for it. Make a plan to get started on it soon. Then set yourself a time limit. If in 6 or 12 months (no pressure - the timeframe is up to you) you haven't touched the project and haven't been excited to work on it, then you can be sure it's time to let it go. Someone else will find joy in it and you can be free to dream up your next project.

5. Because it feels good!

We know how much joy handmade brings to our lives - lets share it! By donating your fabric and projects you will help these organizations continue on with their missions. Wrapping kids in blankets, thanking veterans for their service to our country, giving a broken child someplace to rest their head, helping someone struggling with their illness to feel like more than just their diagnosis. That's what these organizations do every day. Giving them the tools to keep on going is the least we can do.

We want to thank you in advance for all of the donations, big or small. They are going to make a difference! Now, it's time to get busy! Clean out that stash and get sewing! Bring it all to the shop on Friday, November 24th and receive a coupon for 50% off of one item!

Hope you can join us!

Roxanne & Connie

© 2016 Modern Textiles.

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