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Ugly Sweater Contest Wrap Up

The Ugly Sweater Contest was a huge success! Thank you all so much for participating! We had a great crowd at our wrap up party this week and got the chance to give some prizes to a few very deserving women.

The People's Choice Award went to Jennifer Jacobson

The Best Use of Ugly Fabric Award went to Rita Hagen. Special thanks to Blow's Sew and Vac for their prize donation!

And the Most Creative Project Award went to Deb Mohr.

If you weren't able to stop by to see all the entries, you're in luck! The gallery below shows all 25 projects. You can click on each photo to see a larger picture or to click through the slideshow. We hope they inspire you to try the Ugly Sweater pattern and think up new ways to make it your own.

Again, thank you to everyone that entered the Ugly Sweater Contest! We are so thankful for each of you and are so inspired by your creativity. If you didn't get a chance to participate, don't worry! This was so much fun that we promise to do another contest soon.

Happy Sewing!

Roxanne & Connie

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